Emerald Bay Energy Inc. drilled and cased the BeauMar 1 well to a depth of 2,822 ft in the Austin Chalk and Pecan Gap formations in Nash Creek, Texas, the company said May 4.

Shelby Beattie, president and CEO, said that mud logging analysis and the openhole log suite were used to identify one potential interval in the Austin Chalk and four potential intervals in the Pecan Gap Formation.

He added that operations will focus on the four Pecan Gap intervals, with completion operations expected to be completed by May 15th.

At Wooden Horse, the Kuhn 3 well, also in the Austin Chalk, was recently drilled and cased at a depth of 2,200 ft.

Mud logging analysis and the openhole log suite suggest the potential for two intervals in the Austin Chalk capable of producing commercial hydrocarbons.

Flow test operations on interval one will begin during the week of May 4 and will last about 30 days before proceeding to interval two, the company said.

Emerald Bay also said that with Alliance Petroleum Interests, it will move forward with plans to drill a second set of four wells in the Somerset Field in Bexar and Atascosa counties, Texas.

In the first set of four wells, Emerald Bay has drilled and completed MarPat 1 and 2 in the Anacacho Formation to about 1,600 ft. The production facility was installed and the wells currently pump back oil and frack fluid.

Beattie said that excellent gas drive was encountered after MarPat 1 and 2 were fractured, and that the wells flowed for about three weeks before conventional lifting equipment could be installed.

He said that the Marpat 3 and 4 wells are scheduled to be fractured during the week of May 9th.

Beattie also noted that the second set of 4 wells will be drilled on the Marpat B lease to the base of the Anacacho Formation at about 1,800 feet, and that the company is surveying building roads and preparing locations while waiting for drilling permits to be approved.

Emerald Bay Energy Inc. is based in Calgary, Alberta.