MicroSeismic Inc. is engaged by a major drilling operator in British Columbia to monitor an injection well, MicroSeismic said March 17. MicroSeismic’s seismicity monitoring (SM) program, is not yet mandated, the company added.

The system has six stations surrounding the injection well, streaming data and monitoring, MicroSeismic said. During hydraulic fracturing and fluid injection operations, SM allows the operator to establish a baseline for naturally occurring seismicity prior to startup. These results can then be compared with low level seismicity during and after the treatment. Additionally, alerts can immediately be sent to the operator so injection can be halted in the case of induced seismicity.

Houston-based MicroSeismic is also monitoring for seismicity in other areas of British Columbia and has completed several SM projects in Alberta since 2013.

The company has monitored seismicity for injection wells, hydraulic fracturing and gas storage facilities worldwide since 2004. The MicroSeismic SM system is based on the company’s BuriedArray service, which has been used on several projects.